Jordan Heiden


Jordan is a licensed counselor specializing in the treatment of OCD & anxiety. He treats all OCD subtypes, complex presentations, and other co-occurring problems, like depression.

Jordan is certified by the University of Penn to provide Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP). However, his current treatment approach targets the emotional and relational roots of OCD that are overlooked in ERP. Addressing these underlying dynamics allows therapy to go beyond what ERP alone offers (this approach is referred to as psychodynamic).

Additionally, Jordan targets compulsive rumination, which is at the heart of OCD. He’s trained by Dr. Michael J. Greenberg, who developed Rumination-Focused ERP — a highly systematic yet gentler form of exposure therapy.

Jordan is licensed to provide counseling in the following states:

  • California #57244

  • Florida #TPMC3599

  • New Jersey #37PC00574400

  • Virginia #0701012776

Jordan works with Dr. Greenberg at OCD Associates. If you’d like to learn more about working with him, email
